Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Take advantage of a free DNA data transfer to MyHeritage

MyHeritiage is inviting researchers who have already taken DNA tests with Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA (FamilyFinder) and 23andMe to upload their DNA data to MyHeritage free of charge.

The standard fee for 'unlocking' a dna data file is £35 and it is rare for MyHeritage to waive it.

Aside of the financial saving if you take up this offer, there's another important benefit to sharing your data: you'll find new matches with cousins who are in the MyHeritage database of 7.3million people. Many of them will not have tested with a second company.

You'll need to take action quickly if you want to take advantage of this offer: if you delay past 11:59pm on Sunday 8 October, you'll miss the boat.

UPDATE, 9 October: MyHeritage has extended the period of this offer. You can upload your DNA data to MyHeritage, free, until Sunday 15 October.