Wednesday 9 August 2023

Save the date! Accredited Genealogists Ireland to hold Open Day

If you're seeking credentials in Ireland as a professional genealogist be sure to get this event in your diary. Accredited Genealogists Ireland (AGI) will be hosting an Open Day and Workshopin Wynn’s Hotel, 35-39 Abbey Street Lower, North City, Dublin 1 on Saturday 7 October.

Whether you're already practising as a professional genealogist or just thinking about a future career in genealogical research, this event will be of interest to you. It will provide information on credentials for professional genealogists, on the AGI Affiliate programme and on the process of seeking accreditation as a Member of AGI.

AGI is the accrediting and representative body for professional genealogists in Ireland and was founded in 1986. Admission to membership is based on the recommendations of an independent Board of Assessors.

The credential for membership of AGI is open to professional genealogists based anywhere on the island of Ireland who primarily research in Irish sources and who are not engaged in full-time work outside of genealogy.

At the Open Day, all attendees will receive an AGI Welcome Pack on arrival. The Itinerary will include talks by AGI members in the morning, with particular emphasis on the importance of report writing in professional genealogy. Following a light unch, the Workshop will take place in the afternoon followed by a Fun Table Quiz with prizes.

The cost to attend the day-long event, which will start at 10am and end at 5:30pm, is €35 per head and includes tea and coffee and lunch. Payment must be made at time of registration. Please note that places are limited so please book as soon as possible at

If you have queries, please email them to openday @