Wednesday, 9 August 2023

FindMyPast adds 15,600 CoI parish register records for Fermanagh.

FindMyPast adds more than 15,000 Co Fermanagh parish records: More than 15,629 records from the registers of Magheraculmoney have been added to the Fermanagh Parish Registers collection.

They include 7,731 baptism records from St Mary's Church of Ireland church, 2,864 marriage records dating from 1767 to 1918 from the same church; and just over 1,000 burials from the same dates but over a wider area of the county. Some of the latter provide information about cause of death or occupations.

Additionally, the collection has been joined by a new set of 3,948 congregational records for Magheraculmoney parish. They cover the years 1763 to 1887, providing a worthwhile glimpse into the world of our Anglican ancestors during this era.