Monday, 7 November 2022

Irish genealogy, history and heritage events, 7 - 20 November

Monday 7 November: The Names Have It, a talk by Moira Concannon. A hybrid event hosted by the North of Ireland Family History Society, Killyleagh Branch. 8pm. All welcome. In-person venue: Killyleagh Masonic Hall, 50 High Street, Killyleagh, Downpatrick BT30 9QF. Details

Monday 7 November: Ferries on the Foyle, with Dr Jim Condren. An in-person and online event hosted by the North of Ireland Family History Society, Foyle Branch. Venue:Lecture Room Derry's Central Library 35 Foyle Street, Derry. 7pm - 8:30pm. Details.

Tuesday 8 November: Lost meeting houses of Belfast, an in-person event with Tom Hartley. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Lisburn Branch. Venue: Bridge Community Centre 50 Railway Street, Lisburn, Co. Down BT28 1XP. 7:30pm–9pm GMT.

Tuesday 8 November: Connemara Irish: Despair in the Heartland of Minnesota, an online talk by Jane Kennedy. Hosted by the Genealogical Society of Ireland (GSI). 8pm. All welcome. Non-members can obtain zoom links by emailing

Wednesday 8 November: Treasured Heritage - Researching your place of worship, an in-person talk and tour from the National Churches Trust. Host and venue: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland 2 Titanic Boulevard, Titanic Quarter, Belfast BT3 9HQ. 09:15–13:00 GMT. Details.

Wednesday 9 November: Victory through faith – the political activation of the Wehrmacht, an online lecture with Katherine Quinlan-Flatter. Hosts: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and the Antrim and Down branch of the Western Front Association. 7pm to 8pm. All welcome. Free but need to register in advance. Details.

Wednsday 9 November: Using the Leeds Method – making sense of DNA matches, an online class with Anne Johnston. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society. 7pm. Tickets £10. Need to book. Details.

Wednesday 9 November: Carrickfergus Churchyard: Stories behind the stones, with Dr William Roulston. An in-person event to be held at Carrickfergus Town Hall, Joymount, Carrickfergus, Co Antrim BT38 7DN at 7pm. Hosted by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council. Free. Book your seat by phoning 028 9335 8241 or email

Thursday 10 November: 'We have found a better way, Boys': Reassessing Anna and Fanny Parnell, with Dr Diane Urquart. An in-person lecture at the Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. 1pm. Free. All welcome. Booking recommended. Phone 01 609 0602.

Saturday 12 November: Family History Research at the National Library of Ireland (NLI), an online talk with Steven Skeldon from the NLI's Family History Services. Host: Irish Genealogical Research Society (IGRS). 14:30–16:00 IST/GMT. All welcome. Free to members. €5 for non-members. Details and booking.

Saturday 12 November: Commemoration and burial practices of the Scots in 17th century Ireland, an online lecture by Dr William Roulston. Hosted by the Church Monuments Society. Everybody welcome. 5pm to 6pm. Free but need to reserve your place. Details and booking.

Sunday 13 November: The Irish Civil War in Colour: Michael B Barry and John O'Byrne in conversation with David McCullagh about their new book. An in-person event. 4pm to 5pm. Venue: RDS Library, Anglesea Road, Dublin 4. Free. Need to register. Details.

Sunday 13 November: Military Archives: A History, a discussion by Tommy Graham, editor of History Ireland, with Zoe Reid and Daniel Alyotis. Part of the Dublin Book Festival. An in-person event. 2pm to 3pm. Venue: RDS Library, Anglesea Road, Dublin 4. Free, but need to register.

Monday 14 November My Ruiger Family Heritage, with Joe Lavery. An online event hosted by North of Ireland Family History Society, Newtownabbey Branch. All welcome. 7pm–8:30pm GMT. Those wishing to attend should e-mail and they will be sent the link.

Tuesday 15 November: Garda na Pobal – The foundation of An Garda Siochana, 1922, with Dr John Reynolds. An in-person event and part of the Tipperary People and Places Lecture series no.16. Host: Tipperary Studies, the local history dept. of Tipperary County Librairies. 7pm. Free. Venue: Gallery of the Source Library, Thurles. Tea and coffeee served. All welcome. Details.

Tuesday 15 November: The Civil War Legacy: Ireland in the 1920s and 30s, an online lecture by Professor Fearghal McGarry, QUB. Host: National Library of Ireland. All welcome. 7pm GMT. Free, but need to book.

Tuesday 15 November: Dr. Ella Webb (1877-1946): "Children need help and I am going to help them," an in-person event with Dr Declan Warde. Host: Foxrock Local History Society. Venue: Foxrock Pastoral Centre, Kill Lane, Foxrock, Co Dublin. 8pm. All welcome. Members free. Non-members €5 on the door.

Wednesday 16 November: A long hard road: a story of Famine Migration, an online talk with John Grenham. Host: Libraries NI, Heritage from Home Series 3. 12:30pm. All welcome. Free but need to register here.

Thursday 17 November: Book Launch: Irish Women in Religious Orders, 1530-1700 Suppression, Migration and Reintegration, by Dr Bronagh Ann McShane. Moore institute. Register.

Thursday 17 November: Genealogy advisory evening at Wicklow Local Studies, Salthouse Lane, Wicklow Town. An in-person, drop-in event. Free. All welcome. First come, first served. 6:30pm to 8P30pm.

Saturday 19 November: Wading through blood: de Valera and the Civil War, an online lecture with David McCullagh. Host: Decade of Centenaries programme of South Dublin County Libraries. 1pm. Free but need to book. Booking and details.