Thursday, 9 June 2022

The Irish Civil War National Conference, 15 June to 18 June

Taoiseach Micheal Martin TD will deliver the opening address at a landmark 4-day conference which will discuss and explore the political, social, cultural, military, and economic dimensions to the Irish Civil War.

The conference seeks neither a single agreed narrative, nor indeed a sense of ‘closure’. Instead, it will attempt to gather the fruits of on-going academic research into the conflict.

In doing so, it will try to accomplish what the government's Expert Advisory Group on Commemorations describes as, ‘meaningful engagements with a difficult and traumatic time’.

It will be held from 15 to 18 June at University College Cork.

The conference is one of the key events in the State’s Decade Of Centenaries programme, and brings together 130+ scholars .

Proceedings will be open to the public at the UCC Campus, but also streamed live from each of five lecture theatres. The programme can be downloaded here. For more information, click on the image, above, to link to the website where you’ll find additional details, the programme, registration and live streaming links.