Wednesday, 19 January 2022

APCL's Periodical Source Index (PERSI) to return home soon

Last week, the Allen County Public Library (ACPL) in Indiana presented a workshop and Q&A session to announce a major development affecting their PERiodical Source Index, better known as PERSI. The database has been accessible on several online sites over the years and is currently hosted as a free collection at FindMyPast, but it is finally going home, and will soon be accessible via the ACPL website.

    PERSI is the creation of the Allen County Public Library

I wasn't able to attend the workshop myself, but Library staff have told me that a recording will be live on YouTube in a matter of days (link here).

Meanwhile, ACPL staff continue to rejig and clean up the website before PERSI's homecoming launch. When all is ready, a direct link to the PERSI page will be placed on the ACPL Home page and on the Free Databases page.

If you would like to check out the new PERSI before the behind-the-scenes work is finalised, you can do so at, or click the image right.

PERSI is the largest subject index to genealogy and local history periodical articles in the world.

Its index of nearly three million entries offers articles, how-to guides, genealogies, biographies, family stories, cemetery and church records, deeds, local histories, maps, obituaries and much more. All have appeared in family, social and local history periodicals published by societies around the world. These publications cover the area or subject specific to that society, and often go into considerable details, some of which may contain information about your ancestral family, the places or communities in which they lived or other relevant subjects.

The 10,000+ journals and newsletters held in the database date back to 1800. Most of the articles are from societies based in the USA and Canada, but there are also thousands of entries from Ireland, Australia and the UK.