Monday, 25 October 2021

Irish genealogy and history events, 25 October to 14 November

While online talks continue to be offered by most organisations and event hosts, a few in-person events are beginning to re-appear in my listings. In the list below, online events are treated as the default position. All in-person events are clearly indicated as such and the location highlighted in bold.

Until 6 November: The Art Of Negotiation: John Lavery's Anglo Irish Treaty Portraits, an exhibition, with talks and tours (all in-person) throughout the month. Embassy of Ireland, 17 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7HR. Free tickets.

Monday 25 October: Bank holiday in Republic of Ireland. All repositories, archives and libraries closed. (Does not apply in Northern Ireland)

Tuesday 26 October: Raising revenue for the Holy Land: The Knights Templar and Agriculture in Medieval Tipperary, with Dr Margaret Murphy. Host: Tipperary Library Services 'Tipperary People and Places Lecture Series XV'. Free. In-person at Tipperary Studies, The Source, Thurles, Co Tipperary. 7pm. No need to book. Details.

Tuesday 26 October: Recovering West Clare Voices from the American Civil War, with Damien Shiels. The in-person lecture, at 8pm, follows the society's AGM. Host: Kilrush and District Historical Society. Venue: Teach Ceoil, Kilrush, Co Clare. See health rules for attendees. Members free. €5 for non-members. Details.

Tuesday 26 October: Tracing Relatives from the Belfast Shipyards, an online lecture with Maureen McKinney. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Causeway C&G Branch Branch. 7:30pm to 9pm. All welcome. Free. email for zoom link.

Tuesday 26 October: Shadows from the Trenches – Veterans of the Great War and the Irish Revolution, 1918-1923, an online lecture with Dr Emmanuel Destenay. Host: National Library of Ireland. 6pm. Free. Need to register.

Tuesday 26 October: Northern Irish Land Registry, an online lecture with Des McCabe. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Belfast Branch. 7:30pm to 9pm. All welcome. Free. email for zoom link.

Thursday 28 October: A History of Fraternities in Ulster – Orange Order, Freemasons, Hibernians, etc, with David Hume. A free online talk hosted by the North of Ireland Family History Society, Ballymena Branch. 7pm-9pm. Email to request link: Details.

Monday 1 November: Shannonbridge, valuation records and family history, with Laura Price. Host: Offaly Historical and Archaeological Society. 7:30pm. All welcome. Free. Email for zoom link.

Monday 1 November: The Ballyminstragh Project, a virtual talk and presentation by Leslie Simpson & Moira Concannon about significant buildings and people from the Balloo/Ballyminstragh area. Host: Host: Northern Ireland Family History Society, Killyleagh Branch. Free. All welcome. 8pm to 9:30pm. Details.

Monday 1 November: Life in Ulster in the 1830s, an online class with Mike McKeag. Host: Northern Ireland Family History Society. 2pm-3pm GMT. All welcome. Class costs £10 / Class plus notes costs £15. Details.

Thursday 4 November: Looking Back, Moving Forward: sharing our digital preservation journeys, an online morning discussion on the challenges and opportunities presented by the ongoing need to consider long term digital preservation. Host: National Library of Ireland. 10am - 11.30am. Programme, details and registration here.

Monday 8 November: Scottish Poor Law Records, with Irene O’Brien. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Newtownabbey Branch. Free. All welcome. 7pm - 8:30pm. Send email to for zoom link.

Tuesday 9 November: The Irish Soldier in the Great War, with Chris Baker. Host: The Genealogical Society of Ireland. 8pm, on zoom. For details and access, email

Thursday 11 November: Doing local history in Offaly: A guide to the sources, with Dr Ciaran Reilly. Host: Offaly Libraries History Lecture Series 2021. Online via Offaly Libraries’ Facebook and YOUTUBE channels. Free to view. 7:30pm.

Thursday 11 November: WWI: Exploring the Irish Experience, a virtual exhibition tour. Host: National Library of Ireland. 11am. Free. All welcome. Details. Tickets.

Thursday 11 November: William Sharman and the Politics of Volunteering in Ulster, 1781-1803, with Professor Peter Gray. Hosts: The Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies, and Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 7pm to 8pm. Free. All welcome. Need to book.

Thursday 11 November: Field Marshal Claude Auchinleck and the Indian Army, 1914-1947, with Dr Timothy Bowman. Hosts: The Antrim and Down branch of the Western Front Association and the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI). 8pm to 9pm. Free. All welcome. Need to book.

Friday 12 and Saturday 13 November: Really Useful Show, hosted by the Family History Federation. Friday hours: 6pm to 10pm. Saturday hours: 10am to 6pm. 24 talks, plus workshops and Expert Sessions. Tickets £10. More information.

Saturday 13 November: Rathmines: A Walking Tour with Dr Séamas Ó Maitiú, author of IHTA Dublin Suburb Series, Rathmines. Host: Dublin Book Festival. Starts from Rathmines Library, 157 Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6. 11am to Noon. Tickets: €10.