Wednesday, 18 August 2021

One-year Certificate in Local History course starts September

The Irish Workhouse Centre in Portumna will again be hosting the University of Limerick's Certificate in Local History course, which starts in September and runs over two terms.

This is a highly-regarded part-time evening course offering a qualification to individuals already active in this area of study and to those interested in historical research for their own personal development or as a possible path to further study.

The modules are:

  • Introduction to local history: approaches, definitions and presentation
  • Introduction to documentary primary and secondary sources
  • Non-documentary sources for local history
  • History research seminar

Each student will be required to complete a 3,000-word project based on research into primary source material relevant to an understanding of a particular topic in local history.

This year the course will run at the Irish Workhouse Centre on Wednesday nights, 6:30pm–9:20pm and classes will begin on Wednesday 30 September 2020

Click the image for more information about the scope of the course, its admission requirements, fee, and how to apply, or contact John Joe for more information on 087-2963803 or email