Tuesday, 24 August 2021

1821 Irish Census: all surviving Co. Cavan records re-indexed

CavanTownlands.com has uploaded a new presentation on the 1821 census in the county. It provides access to 80,000 complete census records which survive for 17 of the county's parishes in 1821. Click the map, below right, to find out more.

Click map to visit and search CavanTownlands.com
Michael McShane, one of the site's founders, spoke to IrishGenealogyNews about the work behind the new resource. "We have corrected the numerous indexation and transcription errors which plague the National Archives of Ireland's Genealogy website and the full content is now searchable by filter and predictive text.

"We believe this provides access to about 95% of the records, compared to less than 50% on the NAI site."

He recommends that any records be verified by cross-checking with the images on the NAI site.

Cavan researchers will remember the launch of CavanTownlands.com back in April (see blogpost).

It's good to see the development of the site going well, with regular updates and new material being added, as well as the creation of new analysis based on re-imagined data- and record-sets.

What a difference a fresh approach and a new pair of eyes (or two pairs on eyes in this husband-and-wife partnership) can bring!