Thursday, 5 August 2021

New online Irish genealogy course to launch end of August

Claire Bradley, a professional genealogist based in Dublin, is launching a new Irish genealogy course this autumn.

It consists of five 90-minute class sessions via Zoom, plus a 30-minute one-to-one session with Claire to address any research queries you may have and to help you plan your next research steps.

The course is designed for beginners or rusty/lapsed researchers, and covers all the main record groups, the value of DNA testing, emigration, Irish history, and all the basic background information you need to make sense of Irish genealogy, its challenges and wonders.

Claire holds the Certificate in Genealogy from University College Dublin and is an experienced genealogy teacher of adults. She has also completed two terms as Honorary Secretary of the Irish Genealogical Research Society's Ireland Branch.

To find out more about the structure of this new class, dates and times of classes, and costs, click the image above.