Monday, 5 July 2021

Irish genealogy, history and heritage events, 11-31 July

Monday 5 July: Lighthouses All Around Ireland – Their History, Construction and Operation, with Dr Gordon Millington. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Foyle Branch. Online lecture. Free. All welcome. 7pm. Email to request zoom link.

Tuesday 6 July: The Ballyfermot troop train ambush of 8th July 1921; the last major action of the War of Independence, with Cathy Scuffil and Liz Gillis. Part of the Truce series of free online lunchtime lectures marking the anniversary of the end of the War of Independence. Host: Mansion House and Dublin City Libraries. 1pm. Booking essential.

Tuesday 6 July: John Thomond O'Brien: An Irish adventurer in 19th-century South America, with Tim Fanning. Part of Peruvian Bicentenary Week in Ireland - Historical links between the two nations. Live presentation on Zoom and Facebook at 3pm. Free. All welcome.

Wednesday 7 July: Lord Mayor Laurence O’Neill and the revolutionary Mansion House, with Cllr Michael MacDonncha and Mary Muldowney. CPart of the Truce series of free online lunchtime lectures marking the anniversary of the end of the War of Independence. Host: Mansion House and Dublin City Libraries. 1pm. Booking essential.

Wednesday 7 July: Major-General Oliver Nugent – The Irishman who led the Ulster Division in the Great War, in conversation with author, Nicholas Perry. Hosts: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and the Ulster Historical Foundation. 2-3pm. Online. Free. Booking essential.

Wednesday 7 July: William Russell Grace & the 1851 Irish emigrant scheme to Peru, with Dr Ciaran Reilly, and "The Great Battle of Liberation?" Early foundations of Peruvian-Irish diplomatic relations, 1821-2021, with Dr Angus Mitchell. Hosted by the Peruvian Embassy in Ireland, as part of Peruvian Bicentenary Week in Ireland - Historical links between the two nations. Free. 3pm Dublin, on Zoom and Facebook.

Thursday 8 July: "The guns are silent - but they remain in the hands of the Irish Volunteers", with Cormac Moore telling the story of how the Truce came about. Part of the Truce series of free online lunchtime lectures marking the anniversary of the end of the War of Independence. Host: Mansion House and Dublin City Libraries. 1pm. Booking essential.

Thursday 8 July: What revolution? Were there winners and losers? with Professor Terence Dooley. Host: Monaghan's War of Independence lecture series from Monaghan County Museum. Free lecture on Facebook and YouTube, 7pm. All welcome.

Friday 9 July: The War of Independence in Cork from both sides of the conflict, with historians Dr John Borgonovo and Dr William Sheehan, and chaired by Gerry White. The event marks the centenary of the Truce between Britain & Ireland. Host: St Peters Cork, 87A North Main Street, Cork City. 7:30pm to 9pm. Covid restrictions in place. Tickets cost €10.

Friday 9 July: "England's interests are not Orange interests" – Approaches to the Truce in the national and international press, with Mary Muldowney. Part of the Truce series of free online lunchtime lectures marking the anniversary of the end of the War of Independence. Host: Mansion House and Dublin City Libraries. 1pm. Booking essential.

Friday 9 and Saturday 10 July: The Military Aspects of the War of Independence, 1919-1921, a two-day online seminar hosted by the Military Archives and the Military History Society of Ireland. No registration required. Links in Programme will go live at 9am on each day. See programme for details.

Saturday 10 July: “You Can Make Ropes To Hang …” The 19th-century Dublin Merchant Family of Thomas Hodgens and Anne Eskildon, an online lecture with Gay Conroy. Host: Irish Genealogical Research Society. 2:30pm on Zoom. All welcome. Register at this zoom link.

Sunday 11 July: The Truce of 11 July 1921: A natural end to the War of Independence or sowing the seeds of civil war? An online lecture to launch the Galway Beo Facebook page and Galway Beo YouTube Channel. 1pm. Host: Galway County Council. Email Dr Conor McNamara, for details.

Monday 12 July and Tuesday 13 July: Battle of the Boyne/Parades in Northern Ireland. All repositories and most businesses closed.

Tuesday 13 July: From Turmoil to Truce: Photographs of the War of Independence, an online tour of the exhibition. Host: National Library of Ireland. 11am. Free, but booking required.

Tuesday 13 July: Exploring the Irish Queer Archive, with Jennifer Duffy. Host: National Library of Ireland. Online, interactive session on exploring the NLI's Irish Queer Archive. 1pm. Free. All welcome. Booking now open.

Thursday 15 July: The Irish Revolution 1916-1923, an online History Course exploring the key events and political figures 1916-23, with Dr James Curry. Host: Dublin City Libraries, Cabra. Starts 15 July. Weekly virtual course held on Thursdays until 7 October. 1pm to 2pm. Free. Places limited. Need to book. Details.

Monday 19 July: Round Room 200: From Royalty to Republic, a Dublin Story, an exhibition exploring the importance of The Mansion House's Round Room since its creation 200 years ago. Host: Irish Architectural Archive, 11am to 8pm daily. Visitor numbers limited. Advance booking essential. Free. The exhibition runs until 29 August.

Tuesday 20 July: Napoléon and Ireland, with Professor Tom Bartlett, University of Aberdeen. Host: Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris. Bi-centenary of the death of Bonaparte. Lecture online. Need to register (free). Zoom link will be sent on the day of the lecture. Starts 7pm in Ireland/8pm in France.

Wednesday 21 July: Landscapes of Revolution Archaeology Project: Tipperary's Kilcommon Ambush, with Dr Damian Shiels. Host: Abarta Heritage and Tipperary Coco. 7pm to 8:30pm. A free, online talk. Need to register.

Tuesday 27 July: Malignant destiny? Recovering the lost collections of the Public Record Office of Ireland, with Dr Peter Crooks, Zoë Reid and Dr Ciarán Wallace. Host: The National Archives of Ireland's 2021 lecture series. Online. Free. 7pm. Need to register.