Wednesday, 5 May 2021

New website for Cork Archives as it prepares to re-open on 11 May

Cork Archives has unveiled a new-look website. It was time. The old one was much in need of a re-fresh, at least, but this facelift is more than just a redesign.

The navigation has been reorganised and simplied, and users will find it much easier to find the sections they are interested in viewing and then digging deep into them. The online catalogue seems to be functioning a lot more smoothly and quickly than I remember, too, which is always welcome.

Coinciding with the launch of the revamped site, the Archives has confirmed that the building will reopen for research appointments on Tuesday 11 May. A smaller number of people will be allowed into the building at any one time, so there will be a restricted number of reader appointmens on offer than previously. They will be available Tuesday to Friday only, from 10:30am–12:30pm and from 2pm–4pm.

Researchers are advised to book their space well in advance.

Click the image to visit the new site.