Monday, 3 May 2021

Galway Archives digitises Loughrea Board of Guardians Minutes

Newly released from Galway County Council Archives are the Board of Guardians Minutes for Loughrea.

They date from 1839 to 1852, and can be downloaded in a series (GPL2) of more than 100 pdf documents (average size 33Mb), free of charge.

Loughrea Minutes recorded 189 deaths in the week ending
12 May 1849. Click image for larger view.

A full Descriptive List is also available within the series, and is worth exploring before you go diving in.

If you have ancestors from County Galway, be sure to check out some of the other collections to have made their way into the Council's Digital Archive. They represent a small selection of the county's full archive collection, and include some of the most important and most requested records. Included are the Burial Ground Registers for Tuam, 1882-1920, and several other Poor Law and Town Commissioners archives.