Monday, 10 May 2021

Irish genealogy and history events, 10 May to 23 May

Monday 10 May: Many libraries, archives and similar research centres begin to reopen in the Republic of Ireland, subject to safety restrictions.

Wednesday 12 May: Ireland 1900 - 1925: Crisis, War and Revolution, launch of a new resource exploring some of the most significant events in Ireland’s modern history, from the introduction of the Third Home Rule Bill to the First World War, Easter Rising, partition of Ireland and the creation of two new states. 2pm to 3:15pm. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. Speakers: Janet Hancock, Deputy Head of Public Services, PRONI; Dr Timothy Bowman, Reader in Military History, University of Kent; Jim McBride, secretary of HTANI. Zoom event, free. Need to book

Wednesday 12 May: Ireland in Flanders: Men from the island of Ireland during the First World, with Piet Chielens, director of the In Flanders Fields Museum in Ypres. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. All welcome. Free. 8pm. Need to register.

Thursday 13 May: From Turmoil to Truce: Photographs of the War of Independence, an online tour. Host: National Library of Ireland Photographic Archive. 11am. Free. All welcome. Need to book.

Thursday 13 May: Recovering the Voices of West Cork in the American Civil War, with Dr Damien Shiels. Host: Dúchas Clonakilty Heritage. An online lecture, starting at 8:30pm. Free. All welcome. Need to register. Details.

Thursday 13 May: Online book launch: Shadows from the Trenches - Veterans of the Great War and the Irish Revolution by Emmanuel Destenay. In conversation with Professor William Murphy. Host: UCD Press. 7pm. All welcome. Need to register.

Friday 14 May: From Speed to the OS: Surveying the Streets through the Irish Historic Towns Atlas, with Sarah Gearty. Host: Carti Cymru 2021 symposium (12-14 May), National Library of Wales. Free but need tickets. 1pm. Online.

Saturday 15 May: Emigrants and Exiles, the East Galway Story, a day conference. A range of speakers composed of descendants and academics will gather virtually across the diaspora to share their stories and the stories of their communities. Host: Trasna na Tíre. On Zoom. 11am (Irish/GMT+1). Free. Download programme pdf. Registration.

Saturday 15 May: House History Show, an online day conference, 10am to 4:30pm (plus series of weekly lectures for four following weeks). Organised by Family Tree magazine (UK). £45. Details.

Saturday 15 May: Padraic Colum Gathering 2021, an online festival hosted by Longford Libraries. Four lectures and more, from 10am to 4pm, will be presented online via Microsoft Teams. Free. All welcome. To view programme and joining arrangements, see Library.

Sunday 16 May: Pat Walsh; The Life and Legacy of an Irish Revolutionary, an online documentary. Host: Pat Walsh Memorial, Dunamaggin, Co Kilkenny. 3pm. Details.

Sunday 16 May: National Famine Commemoration, Republic of Ireland. The ceremony, led by President Michael D. Higgins, takes place in Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin at 12pm on Sunday 16 May and includes military honours and a wreath laying ceremony in remembrance of all those who suffered or perished during the Famine. Due to current health restrictions, the event will not be open to the public, but will be broadcast on RTÉ News and the DTCAGSM's YouTube channel.

Tuesday 18 May: Revolutionary Daughters: Nora and Ina Connolly, with Liz Gillis. Host: Áras Uí Chonghaile | James Connolly Visitor Centre, Virtual Spring Programme. 7pm. Free. All welcome. View on Facebook or YouTube.

Tuesday 18 May:: 'UNTOLD' Donegal Women - War of Independence & Irish Civil War, with Caroline Carr. Host: Donegal County Museum. 7:30pm. Free. All welcome. Talk will be via GoToMeeting. Book by email to or telephone 0749 124613.

Wednesday 19 May:: Elections and Propaganda in Ireland and Carlow 1917-1921: Votes, Violence and Victory, with Dr Elaine Callinan. Host: Carlow Historical and Archeological Society. 8pm. Free. On Zoom and Facebook. Details and links.

Thursday 20 May: Sources for house histories, with Nicola Morris MAGI and NAI archivist Natalie Milne. Host: National Archives of Ireland. Online. Free. 6pm. Need to register.