Thursday, 29 April 2021

Two Mother's Day offers from Ancestry for US-based researchers

It's Mother's Day in the USA on Sunday 9 May, and Ancestry has two family history offers for USA-based researchers. The first is a straight-forward discount of $40 on an AncestryDNA test kit. The discount reduces the cost of the kit from $99 to just $59. Shipping is extra.

As always, buying a kit gives you access to estimates of your ethnicity plus all your DNA matches on the Ancestry website.

Ancestry's second offer is a very attractive 'bundle' offer. This costs just $1 more than the test kit+ethnicity+matches offer above, but additionally comes with a full three-months of access to Ancestry's World Explorer Collection of records. You'd be making a saving of $118. What's not to like about that?

To take advantage of these offers, click the image above, check out the terms and conditions, and place your order before 11:59pm EST on Sunday 9 May, when the discounts will expire.

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