Thursday 1 April 2021

PRONI adds more genealogy/history talks to YouTube

The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) has uploaded to its YouTube channel a selection of video recordings of talks, workshops and demonstrations that were presented online since Autumn 2020. Brief details and a link to each recording are below.

Getting Started Workshop — Using Online Resources. These workshops were always over-subscribed when they were held in-person before the pandemic closed PRONI's doors to the public. 48 mins.

British army recruitment in Ulster,1903 1918, with Dr Timothy Bowman. Hosts: PRONI and the Antrim & Down branch of the Western Front Association. 55 mins.

Sexuality & Social Control in the Presbyterian Archive circa 1717-1830, with Dr Leanne Calvert. Who wouldn't want to know about misbehaving ministers and promiscuous Presbyterians. 62 mins.

The Chairman & The Commander: J. Bruce Ismay and Captain ‘E. J.’ Smith, with Mark Chirnside. A talk focusing on two of the key personalities in the Titanic story.

Key Sources for Genealogy - Street Directories, a demonstration of this database in PRONI's ecatalogue. 8 mins

Key Sources for Genealogy - Title Deeds and the PRONI Land Registry Archive, a practical demonstration of searching for land registry records at PRONI. 18 mins.

Conservation Studio - Behind the Scenes, with Sarah Graham, PRONI's Head of Conservation. An overview of the work of the conservators. 9 mins. 

Exploring Victorian Belfast: People, Place & History, an afternoon conference exploring how and why Belfast developed into an industrial city of exceptional and unique importance during the 19th century. 100 mins. Four talks: 

  • Seeing Belfast as a Victorian City, with Sean Connolly
  • Surviving the industrial city: women, welfare and the workhouse in Victorian Belfast, with Olwen Purdue
  • Civic Investment in the Victorian Past, with Robert Heslip
  • Middle-class life in Ireland’s bourgeois capital, with Alice Johnson.