Tipperary County Archives has digitised the Minute Book of the Corporation of Clonmel from 1687 to 1718. The book can now be viewed and downloaded, free of charge, in four separate pdfs.
The minute books record the town’s administrative history. For example they record:
– elections of Mayors, Councillors and Bailiffs– appointments and resignations to positions and committees
– quarterly meetings attendances
– freemen of the area
– details of oaths of allegiance
– declarations on appointments as auditor and assessor
– a wide variety of resolutions as well as issues relating to the day to day functioning of the town - for example issues of Trespass, details of Boundaries and Common Areas, Markets and Commerce, and Roads.

The 30-years recorded in the book covered a particularly interesting period in the history of Clonmel. Doors were being created in the town walls, and roads and bridges were being built, as the town began to evolve into a commercial centre.
Both Quakers and (with some restrictions) Catholics were allowed to trade, even if most urban dwellers were more likely to be British Protestants. Street hygiene was being improved and Fair Days were being held regularly.
To find out more and download the Book, click the image, right.
The Archives team plans to prepare transcriptions of the minute book over the next couple of months and these will be published on the website in due course. Whether this will be a full transcription of the books or selected sections of it, we will have to wait and see.