Thursday, 10 December 2020

New resources for tracing Irish Presbyterian roots

Here's some rare good news about Lockdown! The closure of the Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland's premises and Library in Belfast has allowed home-working staff members the opportunity to produce and publish new resources for genealogy researchers and historians. As a result, a range of Guides to Presbyterian Congregational Records has been created.

The Guides have been produced for each of Counties Antrim, Armagh, Cavan, Down, Fermanagh, LondonDerry, Monaghan and Tyrone, and for Belfast City, and each lists the records for its area, recording what records exist and where they can be accessed.

These new resources are online and available only to logged-in PHSI members.

If you have Presbyterian ancestors, now might the right time to consider joining the Society. Regular Annual Membership starts at £16 (or £5 for students), but there is also an Associate Membership which provides access to all members-only online resources. See the PHSI's Membership page for details.