Monday, 7 December 2020

Dungarvan gets the Irish Historic Towns Atlas treatment

The latest release in the Irish Historic Towns Atlas (IHTA) series is No. 30, Dungarvan/Dún Garbhán, by John Martin.

Published by the Royal Irish Academy, the book is full of historical details, illustrations and more than 30 historic maps, that capture the development of Dungarvan from its foundation as an Anglo-Norman settlement at the beginning of the 13th century.

This legacy is still evident in the 800-year-old market town's street pattern, castle and abbey.

The publication marks the culmination of some 12 years of work by author John Martin and the IHTA team in Dublin. The work includes detailed histories of some 1,400 sites dating from its medieval origins to the present-day, and is presented in an attractive, large format with loose sheets of historic maps and views accompanied by a detailed text. See the video below to better understand how the Atlas is presented.

With its publication, the Dungarvan Atlas joins 560 towns and cities internationally that have been studied as part of the wider European Historic Towns Atlas scheme. Eact of these town atlases contains broadly similar information, allowing Irish towns to be studied in their European context.

The IHTA is one of the Royal Irish Academy's long-term research projects.

The printed Atlas is available to purchase online from the RIA (click image above), price €30. It can also be bought in Dungarvan itself, at Garvey’s SuperValu and Easons, and in Waterford City at the Book Centre. The local library has a copy available for consultation, too.

A digital version of the Dungarvan Atlas is also available, free of charge, here.