Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Irish genealogy and history online events in December

I'll be adding any events I hear of during the next couple of weeks.

Tuesday 1 December: Peace After The Final Battle: The Irish Revolution, 100 Years on, with John Dornay and Eamon Delaney. Host: National Library of Ireland. 7pm on Zoom. Free. Booking required.

Tuesday 1 December: Cartography and Settlement in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, with Annaleigh Margey. The 2020 D.A. Chart Seminar on Maps. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 7pm to 8:15pm. Free. On Zoom. Tickets.

Thursday 3 December: Neutrals, Immigrants, Aliens, Evacuees: The Irish In Britain during WW2, with Dr. Jennifer Redmond. Host: Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 7pm. Free. On Zoom. Register.

Friday 4 December:Surveillance, Violence and Forcible Hair Cutting of Women by Republicans during the Irish War of Independence, with Dr Mary McAuliffe. A History Research Seminar. Free. 4pm on MS Teams. All welcome. RSVP to happhistoryseminars2020@gmail.com by 4pm on Thursday 3 December.

Friday 4 December:The other great pandemic: Spanish flu in Ireland 1918-19, with Dr Ida Milne. Host: Muckross House Research Library. All welcome. To receive Zoom link email library@muckross.ie before 5.30, Wednesday 2nd December. Talk is free. 7:30pm.

Monday 7 December: The Hunger: The Story of the Irish Famine, documentary narrated by Liam Neeson. Second of a two part RTE documentary series based on the award-winning book 'Atlas of the Great Irish Famine'. 9:35pm on RTÉ One.

Monday 7 December: Rolling back the Road: A Journey in Irish Traveller Family History, with Tony Hennessy MAGI and Michael Collins. Host: National Library of Ireland. An online event via Zoom. 7pm. Free, but you need to register. Details.

Monday 7 December: Book Launch of Women and the Irish Revolution, edited by Linda Connolly. This online launch and panel discussion with the editor and chapter authors will be hosted by Irish Academic Press and the Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute. 7pm. All welcome. Free. Details.

Tuesday 8 December: Centenaries, 1920-23: commemorations, conflict and conciliation, with Prof Brian Walker. Host: Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum. Free. Online via YouTube at 7pm. Book by telephone 02892663377 or email to ilc.reception@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk for link.

Wednesday 9 December: Mapping the Burning of Cork, 11-12 December 1920, a lecture with Dr Helene O'Keeffe. Host: National Library of Ireland. An online meeting on Zoom. All welcome. Free. Booking required.

Wednesday 9 December: The Unknown Warrior, an Untold Story, Mark Scott. Hosts: Antrim & Down Branch of the Western Front Association and the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 8-9pm. Free. All welcome. Zoom event. Booking required.

Thursday 10 December: From Turmoil to Truce: Photographs of the War of Independence, an online Zoom tour of an exhibition at the National Library of Ireland Photographic Archive. 11am. Free. All welcome. Booking required.

Thursday 10 December: Local Revolution - City Hall and the War of Independence, with Bernard Kelly. Chaired by James Curry. Host: Dublin City Council. Online. Free. All welcome. 7pm. Need to register.

Friday 11 December: 1920: A Year of Terror, with Liz Gillis. Host: Muckross House Research Library. All welcome. To receive Zoom link email library@muckross.ie before 5.30, Wednesday 9th December. Talk is free. 7:30pm.

Friday 11 December: Christmas in the Poor House, an online talk hosted by Clifton House/Belfast Charitable Society. 1pm to 2pm. All welcome, but numbers limited. €5 per person. Details.

Thursday 17 December: WWI: Exploring the Irish Experience, a virtual exhibition tour. On Zoom. 11am. All welcome. Free. Need to book

Friday 18 December: Ask the Archivist, an online presentation by the National Archives of Ireland. Hosted by Dublin City Council Culture Club. Free, on zoom. All welcome. Details

Monday 21 December: Online tours of the National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology's ‘Prehistoric Ireland’, ‘Ór – Ireland’s Gold’ and 'The Treasury' exhibitions. Learn (on the winter solstice 2020) how passage tombs such as Newgrange are aligned to the Winter Solstice, discover artefacts on display in the Museum that have been found in Ireland’s tombs and see artefacts linked to solar symbols including gold lunulae and sun discs dating to the Bronze Age. Links to view Tour on YouTube will be published on Facebook at 4pm. Tour runs 4pm to 5pm. Free. Details.