Monday 22 January: Roscommon Abbey, with Dr Kieran O'Conor. Host: NUI Galway's Natural and Human Heritages Spring Lunchtime Lectures Series. Venue: The Stuido, Town Hall Theatre, Woodquay, Galway. 1:10pm to 1:50pm. Free. No booking required.

Tuesday 23 January: Gerald of Wales: his invasion of Ireland, with Darrel Rooney. Host and venue: Tallaght/County Library, Library Square, Dublin 24. 7pm. All welcome.
Tuesday 23 January: Using Newspaper Archives, with Mike McKeag. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Belfast Branch. Venue: C. S. Lewis Room, Holywood Arches Library, 4-12 Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 1NT. All welcome. 7:30pm. Free.
Tuesday 23 January: The other minority: Southern Protestants and the early years of the Northern Ireland conflict, with Brian Hanley. Host: Modern Irish History Seminar Series 2018 - Religion and Identity, University of Edinburgh. Venue: The Old Medical School – Room G.13, William Robertson Wing, Teviot Place, Edinburgh, UK. All welcome. 6pm.
Tuesday 23 January: What might St Finbarr's monastery have looked like? with Tomas O Carragain. Part of the 'Cork: Origins of a City' public talks series. Host and venue: St Peter's Cork, North Main Street, Cork City. 5pm. All welcome.
Tuesday 23 January: National Photographic Archive, Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 will be closed for essential maintenance.
Wednesday 24 January: The rise and fall of Protestant power and culture in Bandon, with Kieran Doyle. Host: Kilmurry Historical Association. Venue: Independence Kilmurry Museum, Kilmurry, Co. Cork. 8pm. All welcome. Members free/non-members €5.
Thursday 25 January: ’My ancestor was sent to Gaol – Horray!” The Petty Sessions Court and prison records as genealogical sources, with Tony Hennessy MAGI. Host: Dunhill History Lectures, Series XII, 2018. Venue: Dunhill Multi-Education Centre (opposite GAA grounds), Dunhill, Co Waterford. 8pm. Admission €5, includes light refreshments. All welcome.
Thursday 25 January: Shops and shopkeepers in Clonakilty, 1870–1920, with Carmel Flahavan. Host: Duchas Clonakilty Heritage. Venue: The Parish Centre, Clonakilty, Co Cork. 8pm. All welcome.
Thursday 25 January: National Photographic Archive, Meeting House Square, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 closed for essential maintenance.
Thursday 25 January: Women and the First World War, with Carol Walker. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Ballymena Branch. Venue: Michelin Arts Workshop, Braid Arts Centre 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena, BT43 5EJ. 7:15pm. All welcome.
Friday 26 January: Niall Byrne’s contribution to forging medieval Waterford’s historical identity, with Dr Michael Byrne. Host: Waterford Historical Society. Venue: St Patrick's Gateway Centre, Patrick Street, Waterford City. 8pm. All welcome. Members free/non-members €5/students €2.50.
Sunday 28 January: Free genealogy help session. Host and venue: Library of the Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 N Knox Avenue, Chicago, IL 60630, USA. From 1pm to 4pm. Free. All welcome.
Monday 29 January: NLI Reading Room and Manuscript Room closed. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. On-going Monday closures are to facilitate extensive redevelopment of the premises. All other services/exhibitons/cafe, including Genealogy Advisory Service, operating as normal. Details.
Monday 29 January: Square Ringforsts – a square peg in a round hole? with Dr Michelle Comber. Host: NUI Galway's Natural and Human Heritages Spring Lunchtime Lectures Series. Venue: The Stuido, Town Hall Theatre, Woodquay, Galway. 1:10pm to 1:50pm. Free. No booking required.
Monday 29 January: Ag Digitiú Béaloideas: Cnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann agus Dúchas/The story of the digitization of the National Folklore Collection and the birth of, with Dr Criostóir Mac Cárthaigh. Lecture will be presented in the Irish language and will delve into the story of the digitisation of the National Folklore Collection. Hosts: Folklore Society of Ireland and NLI. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. All welcome. 7pm. Booking not required.
Tuesday 30 January: Kith and Kin – Scotch Irish in America, with Alistair Reynolds. North of Ireland Family History Society, Causeway Coast and Glens Branch. Venue: Guide Hall, Terrace Row, Coleraine, Co Londonderry. 8pm. All welcome. Free.
Tuesday 30 January: The Vandeleur Family of Kilrush, with Dr. Ciarán Ó Murchadha. Host: Kilrush and District Historical Society. Venue: Teach Ceoil, Grace Street, Kilrush, Co Clare. 8pm. All welcome. Members free/€5 non-members.
Tuesday 30 January: Agrarian Secret Societies and the Land War in late 19th-century Ireland, with Laurence M Geary. Host: The Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 6pm. All welcome. Free.
Tuesday 30 January: The origins and early development of Cork City, with Maurice Hurley. Part of the 'Cork: Origins of a City' public talks series. Host and venue: St Peter's Cork, North Main Street, Cork City. 5pm. All welcome.
Thursday 1 February: 'Lesser lights?@ The Moloneys of Tipperary town and the Irish Revolution, 1916-1923, with Professor Eunan O'Halpin. Host: Glasnevin Trust and Trinity College Dublin Winter Lecture Series 2018. Venue: Glasnevin Musum's Milestone Gallery, Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. 7pm. All welcome. €10. Booking required.