Thursday, 14 November 2013

Anne Frank: An Irish Dimension – 21 November

The Jewish Historical Society of Ireland will host a talk – Anne Frank: An Irish Dimension, by historian, broadcaster and author Yanky Fachler – at Dublin City Library & Archive on Thursday 21 November.

Ettie Steinberg was the only Irish citizen to share the fate of Anne Frank in the Holocaust, but all 4,000 members of Ireland's Jewish community were earmarked for annihilation by the Nazis. In this talk, Yanky describes Irish people connected to Bergen Belsen: Tomi Reichenthal, who was in the next barracks to Anne Frank and survived to tell the tale; Captain Chaim Herzog, one of the first army officers to visit liberated Belsen; Dr Bob Collis, the Dublin doctor who ran a children's hospital in Belsen after the Liberation; Marilyn Taylor, author of Faraway Home, the story of Millisle Farm for Holocaust refugee children in Co Down, and others.

Venue: DCL&A, 138-144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2.
Time: 7pm.