Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Autumn issue of Irish Roots magazine published

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After a rather hectic Heritage Week (so many great events to attend!), I finally got a chance to put my feet up with the latest copy of Irish Roots Magazine. It's on the newsstands, and the digital version is also available.

This issue has a wide geographical spread, with in-depth articles on finding ancestors in County Clare, records of Irish-Australian policemen, church registers in the USA, collections of records on the Irish in Latin America, and even a feature about German connections in Oldcastle, Co Meath.

There's also a specialised article by Sean Murphy on Irish Surnames and the use (or omission) of O' and Mac prefixes, ten helpful tips for breaking down brickwalls from Chris Paton, the story of Jim O'Callaghan's research into Jackie Kennedy's genealogy, and a considered view of rumoured data protection and freedom of information restrictions from Steven Smyrl.

In addition to lots of news from family history societies, there's my own What's New Review, listings of major upcoming events, letters, answers to readers' questions from Nicola Morris and a trailer for October's Back To Our Past show in Dublin. Readers can also take advantage of a special promotion with offering a whopping 36% discount on a monthly subscription.

Plenty to read. Plenty to learn. Only €4.50/£3.35 (shop-bought) or €7/$10.40 (delivered to your door) if you want to curl up with a hard copy, or choose the digital version for $5. See the Irish Roots online shop.