Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Irish genealogy & history events taking place this week

Thursday 6 June to Friday 7 June: 7th Scots-Irish Identity Symposium – Scotland, Ulster and America: Ties that bind? Being held in conjunction with the annual Clover Scottish Games and Scots-Irish Festival. Venue: Lowry Family Theater, McCelvey Center, 212, East Jefferson Street, York, SC, USA. Details.

Thursday 6 June: The Family & Children of the Easter Rising: childhood, memory and loss among the families of the executed men, with Dr Caoimhe Nic Dháibhéid (University of St. Andrews). Venue: Tyneside Irish History Club, Gallowgate Lounge, Tyneside Irish Centre. 43 Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4SG, UK. Telephone: 0191 261 0384. 7:30pm–9:30pm. Free.

Friday 7 June: The social networking of the Power Elite in Ireland 1850-80, with Susanne Pegley M.Litt. Part of the NUI Maynooth History Forum programme. 8pm. Rhetoric House, South Campus, NUI Maynooth. Enquiries.

Saturday 8 June: Genealogy Workshops at Ferns Gathering. Free workshops and lectures by Eneclann. 10am–12pm and 2pm–4pm. Venue: Scoil Naomh Maodhóg, Ferns, Co Wexford. Details. More events on the day.

Saturday 8 June: Irish Rentals as a family history resource, with Jim Ryan at the 44th Jamboree of the Southern California Genealogical Society, one of the largest gene events in North America. Lecture 5pm. Venue: Burbank CA, USADetails.

Saturday 8 June:
Irish Family History Society AGM & lectures. Venue: Dublin City Library & Archive, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. AGM, open to members only, at 11am. Afternoon lectures (everyone welcome) – A shipwreck in the family with James Robinson at 2:15pm and Family History Sources at Dublin City Archive with Mary Clarke, Archivist, Dublin City Archive, at 3:15pm. Free.

Saturday 8 June:
Mayo Genealogy Group at the National Museum of Ireland, Country Life, Turlough, Castlebar, Co Mayo. A monthly drop-in event for advice and chat. No booking required. Free. Details.

Sunday 9 June: Strange and unusual sources for Irish family history, with Jim Ryan at the 44th Jamboree of the Southern California Genealogical Society, one of the largest gene events in North America. Lecture 1pm. Venue: Burbank CA, USADetails.