Friday, 21 June 2013

Free access to Irish bmds on FMP 27–30 June

Find My Past is to mark next week's 91st anniversary of the Four Courts Fire in Dublin by opening up its collection of Irish civil registration indexes for free access.

The collection covers the following dates:
  • Birth indexes from 1864 to 1921 for the entire island; 1922 to 1958 Republic only.
  • Marriage indexes from 1845 to 1921 for the entire island; 1922 to 1958 Republic only. (Non-Catholic marriages only 1845-1863)
  • Death indexes from 1864 to 1921 for the entire island; 1922 to 1958 Republic only.
Despite the myth that 'ALL Irish records burned', many records did, in fact, survive, either because they were not housed in the Four Courts at the time of the fire, or because they were in a part of the building that the flames didn't reach. The entire civil registration collection was one of these.

Free access to the Irish bmds has been confirmed on FMP Ireland, on FMP USA and FMP Aus/NZ.