Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Latest update from the Irish Registry of Deeds Index Project

The volunteer-led Irish Registry of Deeds Index has been updated. The main Index now stands at 571,225 entries from 58,984 memorials of deeds, while both the Townland and Grantee indexes have also seen worthwhile additions.

The volunteer team is always looking for new contributors. Transcribing the material can now be done online (unlike the 'old days' when you had to attend the Registry of Deeds in Dublin). Images of the Memorial Books and the Townland and Grantee Books are online at the free FamilySearch website and the submission of material to the Index project is made online. Of the memorials already indexed, more than 87% are now linked to the FamilySearch images.

Nick Reddan, the founder and manager of the Project, has recently published a new page (here) showing the proportion of index entries with direct links by volume and cumulatively.

One-off donations of entries to the index are always welcome, but if you want to become a regular submitter, you'll be joining a really worthwhile project that is providing genealogical information that is unlikely to be released in a searchable manner any time soon. The Project is completely free to users.

Find out more at