Tuesday, 13 December 2022

1926 Census of Ireland digitisation project: Tenders requested

Less than one month since state funding was confirmed for the digitisation and release of the 1926 Census of Ireland (see blogpost), the second step has been taken in the process that will deliver census returns relating to 2,971,992 individuals to our computer screens. (It's real. It's real. Hang out the bunting.)

On Monday, eTenders.gov.ie (the Irish Government’s electronic tendering platform) issued a Request to Tender from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. 

A supplier of Programme Management Services is sought to provide the necessary management and co-ordination from the development of a comprehensive project plan, through procurement of specialist contractors, budget control, monitoriing and evaluation, and liaison with the steering group, to the management of a pre-release programme of public engagement and then final delivery. Full requirements of the project can be read on eTenders. Supplier specifications can be obtained by those who register an interest. 

See the detailed tender here.

The deadline for potential suppliers to submit tenders is midday on 27 January 2023.