Thursday, 18 November 2021

IrishNewsArchive announces new titles and imminent special offer

The family-owned, Dublin-based Irish Newspaper Archive (INA) has three meaty chunks of news for us this week.

First up is the arrival of The Northern Standard to the online database. This is an important regional paper, published weekly in Monaghan Town, and the longest established newspaper circulating in the county.

It reaches far beyond the county and national border, however, with coverage of counties Cavan, Louth, Armagh, Fermanagh and Tyrone, making this an important publication for family historians to explore as part of their research.

It was first published in January 1839. While the first 46 years of editions are accessible at the BritishNewspaperArchive, the INA holding will run from 1885 to 2018, offering nearly 58,000 pages published over 5,100 editions.

Next, some advance notice of new additions to the INA database. The Clare Champion will be available in the not too distant future with editions published from 1903, and next in line will be The Corkman. Meanwhile, the company continues to work on filling some of the gaps in their holdings of both the Belfast Newsletter and Cork Evening Echo.

And finally, there's a very generous Black Friday Sale just around the corner... It starts this coming Saturday (20 November) and will expire eight days later, on Sunday 28 November. When I say 'generous', I mean half price on both the Silver and Gold subscriptions! The discount will also apply on Gift subscriptions, so look around you (or into the mirror) to see if you know a genie who would love you forever if a Gift sub was under the tree in four weeks time.

Full details of the discount, and how to claim it, will be posted here on Irish Genealogy News (and @Irish_Genealogy on Twitter) on Saturday morning. Link to that post.