Friday 5 April 2019

Irish GRO releases: latest update on next BMD upload

The state-managed civil records site holds civil indexes
and (some) images according to the 100-75-50 year rule
You know the civil birth, marriage and death records* we've been (not so patiently) waiting for from

No, they are not online yet, but there is some technical testing being carried out in preparation for an upload. This may mean some small batches of records that you wouldn't expect to be online yet may appear in search results.

I'm told the next release is not far off. If I were a betting girl (I'm not), I'd reckon we will have some new toys to play with over the Easter holiday, but I've no idea which toys. The last official notice from the managers of the site said the next update would be the more recent 'top-up' years, followed by the older records. I don't know if this is still the schedule.

* GRO register images of pre-1870 marriages and 1864-1878 deaths, plus the'top-ups': index and register images of births 1917 & 1918; marriages 1942 & 1943, and deaths 1967 & 1968.