Friday, 6 March 2015

FindMyPast adds more Australian collections

In addition to the UK records added earlier today, three new Australian record sets have joined the FindMyPast database.

Here are the details:

  • Containing over 261,000 records, Queensland Assisted Immigration 1848-1912 is an index compiled from Registers of Immigrants’ Ships Arrivals between 1848 and 1912, which were created and used by the immigration department of the Australian state of Queensland. These registers contained passenger lists of immigrant ships that arrived in Queensland. Each record includes a transcript.
  • Containing over 19,000 records, the Queensland Immigration registers 1922-1940 were compiled from registers of passenger lists of immigrant ships. These records were created and used by the immigration department of the Australian state of Queensland. Every passenger list contained the ship’s name and number, as well as its date of departure and arrival.
  • Consisting of nearly 5,000 records, the Queensland Passport registers 1926-1939 are indexes compiled from records created and used by the immigration department of Queensland relating to passport clearance registers and passport receipts. These indexes record the names of immigrants arriving in Queensland as well as their later disembarkation from the state. Each record includes a transcript.