Friday, 26 April 2013

New training project for Offaly genealogy research

A new training project will be launched next month for those who want to kick-start their genealogy research in Co Offaly.

The 'Offaly Genealogy, Historical Placenames and Mapping' course will use a combination of lectures and computer-based training in a series of four Tuesday evening lectures starting on 7 May. The programme, which will be presented by Offaly Historical Society, runs as follows:

7 May: Introduction to Irish genealogy
14 May: Genealogy sources of Co Offaly
21 May: Offaly land ownership, land records & evictions
28 May: Historical place names, map reading and territorial divisions.

Funded by Offaly Local Development Company and supported by the Ireland XO initiative, the project will be delivered free of charge to delegates (donations won't go amiss!) and will be held at St Joseph's Hall, Acorn Centre, School Lane, Edenderry, Co Offaly from 8-10:30pm each week.

Places are limited. To register, email or text your details to (085) 1925466.