Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Now's the time to enrol for a genealogy course.

Judging by the number of new courses starting this term, it seems family history research is maintaining its popularity.

Here's a collection of courses due to begin in the next week or so. If you want to sign up, make contact with the institutions quickly, not least because the classes may be over-subscribed. The enrolment and payment process usually need to have been completed in advance of the first class.

Family History for Advanced Beginners, with Tom Coughlin at Newpark Comp School, Blackrock. Tuesdays, 7.30-9.45pm. 8-week course. €105. Starts 31 January. This is a follow on to the Autumn term course ndash; some knowledge and experience of genealogy research would be a definite advantage. Details: tomcoughlan@tomcoughlan.net.

Irish Genealogy - How to research your family history, with Claire Bradley at Malahide Community School. Mondays, 7-9pm. 10-week course. How to start, where to go, and how to record what you find. Topics covered include the Census, bmd records, church records, wills and newspapers. No prior knowledge required but familiarity with a computer is desirable. €110. Enrolment 24 January or at www.feepay.ie. Starts 30 January. Details: adulted@malahidecs.ie.

Diploma in Family History, in conjunction with the Association of Professional Genealogists of Ireland (APGI). Independent Colleges, Dawson Street. Tuesdays, 6.30-9.30pm. 12-week course. Provides an introduction to the records, research skills and record keeping involved in genealogy. All lecturers are members of APGI. Course co-ordinator, Paul Gorry MAPGI. Starts 7 February. €895. Details: 01 672 5058.

Family History, with Margaret Bonar at Donahies Community School. Mondays, 7.30-9.30pm. 6-week course. Explore your family history using accessible and reasonable sources. Basic computer skills essential. Starts 30 January. €80. Details: donahiesadulted@gmail.com or 01 848 2217.

Genealogy - an Introduction to Researching your Family Tree
, with Catherine Delaney. People's College, 31 Parnell Square. Tuesdays, 7-8.30pm. 10-week course. A new course for beginners. Provides a background to the resources available including census and church records. How to use the National Library, National Archives, Gilbert Library and GRO, and Internet Resources. Starts 24 January. €70. Details: 01-8735879 or info@peoplescollege.ie.

Irish Genealogy,
in conjunction with the Genealogical Society of Ireland. Lecturer: John Hamrock of Ancestors Network. Saturday mornings. 2.5 hours each class. 6-week course. Topics covered include the principles of genealogy, computers and the Internet, place names and surnames, the census, civil registration, valuation and church records. Includes guided tours to important centres of research. Held at the GSI's Archive and Research Centre, Carlisle Pier, Dun Laoghaire. Starts 14 January. €300. Details: 087 050 5296.

Irish Genealogy, with Tony McCarthy at UCC. Tuesdays, 7-9pm. 10-week course. Three stranded course examining 12 important genealogical sources and how to use them; approaching research in methodical way; and developing an understanding of the historical and social context of our ancestors' lives. Starts 24 January. €230. Details: 021 490 4717, shortcourses@ucc.ie.

Investigating your Family History, at Belfast Metropolitan College. Thursdays, 7-9pm, at Ashfield Girls School starting 26 January, ends 22 April; or Mondays, 7-9pm at BMC, Chicester Avenue, starting 23 January, ending 13 May. How to start your research; explore how different types of documents and source materials may be approached and understood; Internet resources. £72. Details: 02890 265 265.

Post edited 14 Jan to include Tom Coughlin's course at Newpark School in Blackrock.