Monday, 2 January 2012

Best laid plans, and all that!

The festive season didn’t quite go the way it was meant to, with my mam having to have an operation and now needing me to assume eldest daughter’s duties and play nurse while she recovers at her home.

So 2012 starts with me 120 miles from home, husband and broadband, and with a real stinker of a cold to boot (all sympathy gratefully received). Not the best state of mind to be preparing the promised Review of 2011 and a report of what the next 12 months might bring our way.

Since the only Internet access I’ve got right now comes via a neighbour whose goodwill I don’t want to exhaust, I’m going to put those planned posts on the back burner. They may languish there for some time. They may even quietly disappear because I’m anxious to get the new year started and there’s already a good crop of activities – lectures, exhibitions etc – to look forward to. I’ll be posting a diary for January shortly and I’ll aim to post a ‘Bits and Bobs’ update tomorrow.

All being well, normal service should be resumed by next week.

And with that thought, I'll wish you all a very Happy New Year.