Thursday, 17 March 2011

Irish Genealogy Toolkit to partner IGP Archives

I'm delighted to announce that my website, Irish Genealogy Toolkit (IGT), has become the Research Help partner site to IGP Archives, the online archives arm of the long established and well respected Ireland Genealogy Projects (IGP).

IGP was set up in February 2007 with a mission to protect and preserve Irish records.

The site serves as a platform through which Irish family historians can share data they have collected in the course of their own research. By releasing that information, online and free, other researchers can discover more about their ancestors from Ireland.

The site is organised in a professional manner with the main page being a gateway to records for each of the 32 counties. Each county is administered by a volunteer coordinator.

Family historians searching IGP Archives will now be invited to click through to Irish Genealogy Toolkit for advice and further information about conducting research.

Obviously I'm chuffed by this development. IGP is an outstanding resource that helped me enormously when I was carrying out my own genealogy research, and I know there are thousands more who would say the same thing. To partner such a highly regarded project is a great privilege and also very exciting for my young website.

So while IGT provides the free 'how-to', IGP Archives will provide free access to its ever growing archive of records. The sites complement one another perfectly.

Regular updates of new resources on IGP Archives will be published here on Irish Genealogy News.