Friday, 7 June 2024

Bumper edition of Irish Genealogy Matters newsletter published

A new edition of the Irish Genealogy Matters newsletter has been published.

Produced by the Irish Family History Foundation (IFHF), the organisation behind and an island-wide network of 34 genealogy/heritage centres, the publication provides an overview of recent uploads to the RootsIreland database and brings us news of activities from the centres.

Among the latter is news of a Symposium to be held at the Mellon Centre on 20-21 June which will explore how Irish migrants accomplished their journeys across the Atlantic Ocean; a helpful guide to the family history value found in national school records; an article about the Irish origins of Maggie Hinchey 'The Thrush of Suffrage', and a listing of OffalyHistory events (in person and online) until the end of the year.

There's plenty more... It's a bumper 11-page edition. Be sure to check it out.

The newsletter can be downloaded from the RootsIreland blog. Click the image above.