Monday, 29 January 2024

MyHeritage uploads Northern Ireland telephone directory collection

MyHeritage has added a new record-set that might be of interest to researchers with connections to Northern Ireland. It's a sizeable collection, too, holding 492,777 records of NI Telephone Directory entries for the years 2001 and 2003.

As I don't have a subscription to the MyHeritage database I can't check what information is provided – MyHeritage says only that a person's name and residence is given – nor if this collection holds details only of individuals or includes business accounts. If the former, the number of records covers about 77% of households across Northern Ireland in 2002 (based on a total NI population of 1.693million people living in an average household size of 2.65 people).

Similar telephone directory collections have also been released for England, Scotland and Wales in the last few days.