Monday, 17 July 2023

IrishGenealogyNews pulls a sickie

Apologies for the absence of blogposts on over the last few weeks. I've been unwell. Nothing too serious, but enough for me to down tools and heed instructions to rest and recover.

Given how rough I was feeling, the 'rest' part was easy enough. The 'recovery' part of the process hasn't really kicked in yet. I am marginally improved, which is a good sign, even if I'm not yet operating at anywhere near normal energy levels. So I'm going to start trying to catch up with all the stories that I haven't reported during this malaise.

Over the next few days, you'll see mainly short blogposts – more like signposts or notifications to further information on specific releases or new developments – which should mean the blog will be up to date again in a week or so.

Thanks for your continued support of IrishGenealogyNews.