Monday, 22 May 2023

Irish genealogy, history and heritage events, 22 May to 4 June

Monday 22 May: Famine in Borrisoleigh and the Cullohill evictions of 1850, with John Connors. An in-person event hosted by Borrisoleigh Historical Society. 8pm. Venue: Borrisoleigh Community Centre, Pallas Street, Borrisoleigh, Thurles, Tipperary.

Tuesday 23 May: Documenting Dublin’s history: John T. Gilbert as a book collector, with Dr Maire Kennedy. The 26th Annual Sir John T. Gilbert Commemorative Lecture. Hosts: Dublin City Council.  In-person venue: Oak Room, Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2. 7pm (Doors open 6:40pm.) Booking essential for in-person attendance. The lecture will live-streamed on Dublin City Libraries’ YouTube page (no need to sign up.) Details and booking at eventbrite.

Tuesday 23 May: From Marino to Crumlin: Housing in the Free State, with historian Donal Fallon. A free, in-person event hosted by Dublin City Libraries. Venue: Richmond Barracks, Inchicore, Dublin 8. 6:30pm. All welcome. Details and booking.

Wednesday 24 May: Identifying and (De)constructing Mutative Ethnicities in the Tuke-Irish immigrant communities, 1875-1920, with Regina Donlon. An online lecture in the Migration History Seminar Series. 5pm to 6:15pm. Free tickets. All welcome. Need to register.

Wednesday 24 May: Granny’s Greatest Hits, with Dáibhí O Cróinín. An in-person event at the Irish Cultural Centre, 5 rue des irlandais, 75005 Paris. 7:30pm. Free. Reservation recommended. Details and tickets.

Thursday 25 May: AGM, followed by Researching your WW1 Ancestors, with Alan Rosborough. A hybrid event hosted by North of Ireland Family History Society, Ballymena Branch. Venue: Michelin Arts Workshop, Braid Arts Centre, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena. Free. All welcome. 7:15pm–8:45pm BST. Also online; email Ballymena @ for link.

Thursday 25 May: Getting Started Workshop: Using Online Resources, an online presentation from the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Free. Need to book.

Friday 26 and Saturday 27 May: Reform, Repeal, and Repression: Irish Women and the State, the Women's History Association of Ireland's 2023 Conference. An in-person event hosted at University College Cork. 9:30 – c5pm both days. Full programme of lectures both days. Free, but you'll need to reserve your places here.

Saturday 27 May: National Library of Ireland's Reading Rooms and Readers Ticket Office open to in-person visitors from 9:30 to 1pm. Kildare Street, Dublin 2.

Monday 29 May Late May Bank Holiday in Northern Ireland. Repositories and libraries closed.

Tuesday 30 May: The Workhouse System in Ireland, with Dr Robyn Atcheson. A hybrid event hosted by North of Ireland Family History Society, Causeway C&G Branch. 8pm to 10pm. Details.

Tuesday 30 May: A History of Housing in Dublin –Bally-far-out: Housing Since the 1950s. An in-person event. The last in a series with historian Donal Fallon exploring the social and architectural hsitory of housing in the capital. Hosted by Culture Connects at Richmond Barracks, Inchicore, Dublin 8. 6:30pm. Tickets free but booking essential.

Wednesday 31 May: Photographs as historical sources, a HistoryIreland Hedge School hosted by the National Library of Ireland. An in-person event at the National Photographic Archive, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. 7.00pm - 8.00pm. All welcome. Free, but need to book.

Thursday 1 June: Exploring Climate Change and Culture and Heritage, a one-day in-person conference. Hosted by the Royal Irish Academy. 10am to 4:30pm. Free. All welcome. Free event but booking is essential. Venue: The Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2.

Saturday 3 June: Remembering Women in the Revolutionary Years, a Drogheda Perspective 1922-23, an in-person event hosted by Drogheda Civic Trust. Venue: St. Peter's Church of Ireland, Peter Street, Drogheda. Co Louth. 9:30am to 1pm. All welcome. A light lunch is included. Free. Need to book.