Wednesday 10 December 2014

Tudor and Stuart Ireland conference: 85 free podcasts
The fourth Tudor and Stuart Ireland Conference took place this year at NUI Maynooth, bringing together speakers from a range of disciplines including history, English, archaeology and art history.

Since it started in 2011, more than 100 speakers have presented papers, and some 85 podcasts are now available, free of charge, to download on iTunes and to stream on Soundcloud. The topics range from the esoteric to the broad stroke, so there's sure to be something here that catches your eye (or ear). The full list can be viewed on History Hub.

The fifth Tudor & Stuart Ireland Interdisciplinary Conference will be held at Maynooth University on 28 and 29 August, 2015. I'm sure I'll be alerting you to the call for papers or the event nearer the time.