Friday, 26 August 2011

The week past and the weekend ahead

Find My Past (the UK version, not the Irish one) has a brand new look and has reduced the cost of its subscriptions. The Full 12-month Subscription price has been reduced by £20 to £109.95 while the 6-month subscription is down from £82.95 to £69.95. Prices for the Foundation Subscription (which gives access only to the 1841-1911 censuses and BMDs for England and Wales) have also been reduced. An additional bonus is that subscription renewals will, in future, attract a 10% discount.

This week the LDS church's Family Search finally switched off its pilot site holding the Irish civiil registration indexes and other records. There's now no option but to migrate to the big, unweildy main site for the full range of collections. From the landing page, click Europe and then scroll down to Ireland, Civil Registration Index 1845-1959. The other Irish record collections shown in the menu are largely made up of what used to be known as the IGI and, while useful, need to be approached with some caution; verify any data extracted in these collections as much of it is user-submitted and may not be based on documentary evidence.

While the Dublin Freemen records and the Dublin Graveyards Directory will be officially launched tomorrow by the city's Lord Mayor at Dublin City Library and Archive, these collections have actually been online for some time at the Dublin Heritage site.

Events - Saturday 27th
Genealogy Sources, Castleisland Library, Kerry*
Who Do You Think You Are exhibition, Nass Community Library, Kildare*
Genealogy Workshop, Genealogical Society of Ireland, Dun Laoghaire *

Events - Sunday 28th
Genealogy Workshop, Genealogical Society of Ireland, Dun Laoghaire*
Launch of 'Tracing your Roots in North West Connemara', Clifden, Galway*
The Genealogy Roadshow (TV programme), RTE1, 6.30pm. Filmed at Glenlo Abbey.

*Organised as part of Heritage Week.