Wednesday 10th November: Beara Historical Society lecture: What it was like for emigrants to Britain in the 1930s, 40s and 50s. By Gerdie Harrington, at Twomey's Lounge Bar, Bank Place, Castletownbere. 8.30pm.
Thursday 18th November: Clare Roots Society. Death and disease in 19th century Ireland. By Larry Geary (UCC). Ennis Civic Rooms. 8pm.
Saturday 20th November: Celebrating Laois heritage. Parish Centre, Portlaoise. All day, starting 10.15am. Free, but booking required. Catherine Casey 057 867 4348.
Tuesday 23rd November: Friends of Medieval Dublin. This month's free 40-minute lunchtime lecture in the Tales of Medieval Dublin series is The Wife's Tale. Wood Quay, Civic Offices, Dublin 8. 1.05pm. No need to book.
Wednesday 24th November: PRONI. Using online sources for genealogical research. Stephen Scarth (Head of Public Services). Free. Performance Area of Linenhall Library, Belfast. 1pm. No need to book.