Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Extra time for World Cup bonus

With England through to the knockout stage of the World Cup, will repeat their free access offer on Sunday 27 June.

Kick off on the football pitch is at 3pm, while free access to the website's records starts 30 minutes earlier.

The findmypast site includes birth, marriage and death records 1538-2006, census records including 1911, and the Chelsea Pensioners British Army Service Records 1760-1913 (see my post of 3 June).

Normally you would need a subscription or PayAsYouGo credits to view these records, some of which normally cost 30 credits each, so to be able to see them for free is a rare opportunity.

You'll need to register.

Should the England team proceed further in the competition, I'll post the times of free access accordingly.