Welcome to Irish Genealogy News
Irish genealogical research is famous for being difficult, if not impossible. This reputation isn't entirely deserved, although there can be some fundamental challenges in discovering your Irish family history, particularly if you don't know where your ancestors lived.
That's why I launched (2008) my website, Irish Genealogy Toolkit. It's a free online guide to researching your ancestors in Ireland, and it's designed to help you connect to your heritage.
This blog runs in parallel with the Toolkit and is not sponsored by or connected with any commercial organisation. My views are my own, and I try to be fair when I state them. As its name suggests, the blog reports on the latest Irish genealogy developments and record releases, and it's read by professional and amateur genealogists who recognise its independence and wide coverage of news.
Be sure to bookmark my blog's home page – https://www.irishgenealogynews.com/ – and check in regularly to keep up to date with what's happening in the world of Irish family history.
I hope you enjoy my blog and I wish you every success with your research.
Claire Santry FIGRS
Irish Genealogy News (blog)
Irish Genealogy Toolkit (website)
Irish Genealogy Guide (240-page paperback/ebook, publisher Penguin)
@Irish_Genealogy (twitter)