Monday, 6 February: St Brigid's Day Bank Holiday in the Republic of Ireland. All repositories closed.
Monday, 6 February: Unearthing the Treasures in the Registry of Deeds, with Natalie Bodle. A hybrid meeting hosted by the North of Ireland Family History Society's Foyle Branch. All welcome. Free. 7pm–8:30pm GMT. Details.
Monday 6 February: The Lifeboats of Dundrum Bay, with Barbara Lomas. An in-person event hosted by the North of Ireland Family History Society's Killyleagh Branch. Venue: Masonic Hall, 50 High Street, Killyleagh, Co Down, BT30 9QF. All welcome. Free 8pm. Details.
Wednesday 8 February: Britishness and Commemoration, with Jenny Macleod. An online event hosted by the Antrim and Down branch of the Western Front Association and the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 7pm to 8pm GMT. Booking essential. All welcome.
Thursday 9 February: From Ribbon Gangs to Mayors - The Irish in Gateshead to 1945, with Steve Shannon. An in-person event hosted by Gateshead Central Library, Prince Consort Road, Gateshead, NE8 4LN, UK. 6:30pm. All welcome. £3. Need to book at Eventbrite
Thursday 9 February: An Bhean Feasa - the Wise Woman in Irish folklore, with Niamh Ni Locheann. An in-person event. Part of Julian Walton's Winter Lecture Series. Venue: Dunhill Multi-Education Centre, Dunhill Enterprise Park, Ballyphilip. Dunhill, Co Waterford. 7:30pm. Light refreshments served. All welcome. Free.
Thursday 9 February: An introduction to research in the National Library, an online event with Maeve Casserly. Host: NLI. 1pm. Free. All welcome. Need to book.
Saturday 11 February: Tracing the extended Boland family, with Donnacha DeLong. The Irish Genealogical Research Society will host the Ireland Branch's Spring lecture online. 2:30pm-4:00pm. Details. All welcome. Tickets €5 each for non-members.
Saturday 11 February: The 1798 UnitedIrishmen Walking Tour, with Sean Napier and Colm Dore. An in-person event. 11:30am–2pm. Meet at the Parish Church of St George, 105 High Street, Belfast BT1 2AG. £15pp. All welcome. Need to book.
Saturday 11 February: The 'Munster' and the Iron Man – a story of war in the air, with Patrick Sheehan. An in-person event hosted by Cork Public Museum. Part of the museum's 2023 lecture series. Starts at 1pm. Free but need to book by email (museum @ or phone 021-4270679).
Monday, 13 February: Fluid Identities in South Antrim 1600 – To Present Day, with Dr Gerry Cleary. A hybrid event hosted by the North of Ireland Family History Society's Newtownabbey Branch. All welcome. 7pm. Details.
Monday, 13 February: From Clare to Here: Memories of the Men who built Britain, with Ultan Cowley. An online talk; part of the Heritage from Home Series 3 from Libraries NI. Free, and all welcome. Booking is required. Details (scroll down).
Monday 13 February: The Civil War in the Limerick/Tipperary border area, with John Flannery. Host: Newport Historical Society. An in-person event. 8pm. Venue: O'Sullivans Lounge, Black Rd, Newport, Co. Tipperary. All welcome.
Monday 13 February: Fluid Identities and Allegiances in South East Antrim: 1600 to the Present Day, with Dr Gerry Cleary. A hybrid event hosted by the North of Ireland Family History Society, Newtownabbey Branch. 7:30pm to 9pm. In-person at The White House, Newtownabbey, 34 Whitehouse Park, Newtownabbey BT37 9SQ, and online via zoom. Free and all welcome, but advance booking is essential. See Details.
Tuesday 14 February: Mapping and Researching the CillÃnà (unconsecrated children’s burial grounds) of Ireland, with Courtney Mundt. An in-person event hosted by the Carlow Historical & Archaeological Society. Venue: Seven Oaks Hotel, Carlow Town. 8pm. Admission is free and all are welcome.
Tuesday 14 February: Ethical Dilemmas in Genealogy, with Dr Penny Walters. An online event hosted by the North of Ireland Family History Society's Lisburn Branch. All welcome. Non-members should email for zoom link: Lisburn 7:30pm. Free. Details.
Tuesday 14 February: Fell Down, Slipped in, Knocked down, with James Scannell presenting a recap of accidents that made the press in Dalkey in the late C19th and early C20th. Hosted online by Foxrock Local History Club. Free. All welcome. Details. Non-members email for zoom links.
Thursday 16 February: From tithes to Griffith's: property and valuation records, with Michael Walsh MAGI. An online event hosted by Accredited Genealogists Ireland and the National Archives of Ireland. All welcome. Free. 6pm. Need to book.
Thursday 16 February: Getting down and dirty with the Archives, with Joanne Rothwell. An in-person event. Part of Julian Walton's Winter Lecture Series. Venue: Dunhill Multi-Education Centre, Dunhill Enterprise Park, Ballyphilip. Dunhill, Co Waterford. 7:30pm. Light refreshments served. All welcome. Free.
Thursday 16 February: Getting Started Workshop - Using Online Resources, an online workshop for those just getting started with research online. An online event hosted by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 12:30 – 13:30 GMT. All welcome. Free but need to register.
Thursday 16 February: An Irish estate is like a sponge: The economic (mis)management of landed estates in the nineteenth century, an online presentation by Professor Anne Tindley. Hosts: Irish Historical Studies (USIHS) and the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 7pm GMT. Free. All welcome. Registration essential at Eventbrite, which says the event is in-person, which is no longer the case.
Saturday 18 February: Starting your Family Tree, with Lorna Moloney. An in-person genealogy workshop hosted by Kerry Libraries. Venue: Tralee Library, Moyderwell, Tralee, Co Kerry. 10am to 2pm. Free. Advance registration necessary.