Irish Genealogy News - Pages

Thursday 20 May 2021

Mná 100 explores women's contributions to Irish nation's history

A new online resource, aimed at showcasing women's participation in political, military, professional and domestic roles over the last 100 years, has been launched as part of the Republic of Ireland's Decade of Centenaries commemorative programme.

Mná 100 explores the experiences and influence of women who lived during this period of immense change. Some are well-known and have contributed significantly to Irish political life and public service. Others have never before found their voices.
Click to view the Pop Up Women's Museum exhibition tour

But through new research and archival discoveries, and the generosity of the many descendants of those women who have given access to their private archives of family photographs, letters and personal mememtos, their stories can now be told and their contribution to historical events, particularly the campaign for independence and the Civil War, examined and valued.

Through the medium of film, podcast, articles, exhibitions, photo essays and webinars, Mná 100 offers another online primary source for people with an interest in the concerns, beliefs and lives of their female ancestors, and their contributions to the nation's history.

Find out more by clicking the Mná 100 logo above.