Irish Genealogy News - Pages

Thursday 29 September 2016

Living DNA launches new test with regional breakdown of genetic ancestry

There's a new kid on the DNA block: Living DNA.

It launched last weekend at the NewScientist Live exhibition/show in London and is the first genetic ancestry test to incorporate data from the People of the British Isles (POBI) project.

As such, its test results will give customers 'a breakdown of genetic ancestry within the British Isles and then relate your ancestry to the rest of the world.'

Living DNA's website says that the test will be able to identify 21 regions within the geographical British Isles 'such as Cornwall, Devon, Norfolk or North Wales'. I have checked with the company and been told that Ireland is one of these regions.

Genetic genealogist Debbie Kennett has published a detailed blogpost about the new test, so I'll direct you there for more information and knowledgeable analysis:

If you're keen to learn more, check out the Living DNA website or pop along to the Back To Our Past show in Dublin next month (RDS Industries Hall, 21-23 October), where the Living DNA team will be on hand to discuss and sell its new kits.