Irish Genealogy News - Pages

Monday 26 October 2015

Irish family history and heritage events, 26 Oct–7 Nov

Tuesday 27 October: The Corner Boys of Kilrush, with Morgan Roughan. Host: Kilrush and District Historical Society. Venue: Teach Ceoil, Grace Street, Kilrush, Co. Clare. 8pm. Members free; Non-members €5. All welcome.

Tuesday 27 October: Laurence O'Neill, Lord Mayor of Dublin 1917-24; patriot and man of peace, with Dr Thomas J Morrissey. Host: Dublin City Council. Venue: Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2. 6:30–7:15 plus Q&A. Admission free but booking essential by e-mail to or telephone 01 222 6200.

Tuesday 27 October: Telling the same old story: memory and Irish history, with Dr Gillian O'Brien. Host: Modern Irish History Seminar Series, School of History, Classics & Archaeology, University of Edinburgh. Venue: Room G13, William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh, UK. 6pm. Free. All welcome.

Tuesday 27 October: Adoption and NPE’s (Not the Parent Expected), with Sean T Traynor. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Coleraine branch. Venue: Guide Hall, Terrace Row, Coleraine, Co Londonderry. 8pm

Tuesday 27 October: The churches and their records, with Dr William Roulston. Host: Ulster Historical Foundation. Venue: Discover Ulster-Scots Centre, 1-9 Victoria Street, Belfast BT1 3GA. 1–2pm. Free but registration required by email to or telephone 028 9043 6710.

Wednesday 28 October: Divergent paths: a family history approach to the study of Irish emigrants in Britain 1820–1920, with John Herson. Host: Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies, University of Edinburgh. Venue: Room G 13, William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School, Teviot Way, Edinburgh. 5:30 to 7pm. Students and public welcome. Free.

Thursday 29 October: What can be found in the Newspaper Library Belfast? Discussion with Committee members. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Ballymena branch. Venue: Michelin Arts Workshop, Braid Arts Centre 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena, BT43 5EJ. 7:15pm.

Thursday 29 October: Top 10 websites for Irish genealogy, with Lisa Dougherty. Host & venue: Irish American Heritage Museum, 370 Broadway, Albany, New York 12207, USA. 6:30pm to 8pm. Free. Register.

Friday 30 October: The admission of children to workhouses in County Antrim, 1850–1914, with Simon Gallaher. Host: School of History and Anthropology. Venue: Training Room 2, Graduate Centre, Queen's University Belfast. 4pm.

Saturday 31 October: Waterford's Revolutionary Decade Roadshow, with Waterford City & County Council in conjunction with School of History, University College Cork. Venue: Park Hotel, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. 11am to 4pm. Exhibition stands, lectures, musical performances, re-enactments and more. Free. No booking. Details.

Monday 2 November: DNA Genealogy, with Sean Quinn. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Foyle Branch. Venue: Derry City Central Library, 35 Foyle Street, Derry BT48 6AL. 7–9pm.

Monday 2 November: McClurgs of Kilmore and Killyleagh, with Peter Gibson. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Killyleagh Branch. Venue: Masonic Hall, 50 High Street, Killyleagh, Co. Down, BT30 9QF. 8pm to 9:30pm.

Tuesday 3 November: Revolutionary woman: Caitlin Bean Ui Chierigh, first woman Lord Mayor of Dublin, 1939–41, with Helen Litton. Host: Dublin City Council. Venue: Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2. 6:30–7:15 plus Q&A. Admission free but booking essential by e-mail to or telephone 01 222 6200.

Tuesday 3 November: Landed estates and records relating to their management, with Dr William Roulston. Host: Ulster Historical Foundation. Venue: Discover Ulster-Scots Centre, 1-9 Victoria Street, Belfast BT1 3GA. 1–2pm. Free but registration required by email to or telephone 028 9043 6710.

Tuesday 3 November: Ireland transformed: The Cromwellian Conquest and the Down Survey, with Prof Micheál Ó Siochrú. Hosts: Trinity College Dublin and Carlow Collage. Venue: Cobden Hall, Carlow College, College Street, Carlow. 5pm to 7pm. Free. All welcome.

Wednesday 4 November: The 1939 Register: the Home Front from your own home, with Myko Clelland. Host and venue: The National Archives (TNA), Kew, London, UK. 12:30pm to 1:30pm. Tickets free but need to be booked.

Thursday 5 November: Playing the game - Sport, Ireland and the Great War, a conference. Hosted jointly by Western Front Association, Antrim & Down branch and PRONI. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 10am to 4pm. Full details 0f speakers and talks to follow.Free but need to book by email to or telephone (+44) 028 90 534800.

Thursday 5 November: Putting your Family in Place, with Dr Janice Holmes. Host: Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Belfast Branch. Venue: Holywood Arches Library, Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 1NT. 7:30pm.

Thursday 5 November: War Memorials, with Professor Keith Jeffery. Host: Ulster Architectural Heritage Society. Venue: Auditorium, The McClay Library, Queen's University, College Park Ave, Belfast BT7 1LQ. Fee: £10/Students £5. All welcome. 7:30pm. No advance bookings – pay at venue.

Saturday 7 November: Wicklow and the sea, a one-day conference exploring the maritime history of Wicklow. Host: Wicklow Historical Society.  Venue: Grand Hotel, Wicklow. 9:30am to 3:30pm. Details.

Saturday 7 November: The Cahir Estate under Butler and Charteris Ownership, 1858–1962, with David J Butler. Part of the Power & Privilege – The Butlers of Ormond, County Museum Lecture Series. Venue: Clonmel Library, Mick Delahunty Square (opposite Museum), Clonmel, Co Tipperary. 10am to Noon €5. To book, call Julia on 076 106 5564 or email

Saturday 7 November: Local history Day, a one-day conference. Host and venue: Dublin City Libraries&Archives, Pearse Street, Dublin. 9:45am to 3:30pm. Free. No booking required. Details.